Soon you’ll be able to apply for a passport or marriage license in Wichita County. The Wichita County Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications again starting on Monday, June 1. More information can be found here. … MORE

Soon you’ll be able to apply for a passport or marriage license in Wichita County. The Wichita County Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications again starting on Monday, June 1. More information can be found here. … MORE
The UIL sent a memo to coaches and athletic directors saying they can get back to work starting June 8th. “It’s great to have good news come out of the UIL office,” said Holliday ISD athletic director Frank Johnson. More information about UIL’s guidelines can be found here.… MORE
During two surprise ceremonies Friday morning, Wichita Falls ISD announced the district’s Elementary and Secondary Teacher of the Year. Click here to find out which teachers received the honors.… MORE
The Wichita Falls City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the request from QuikTrip (QT) to purchase the site of the current Nunn’s Manufactured Home Sales at the northeast intersection of Old Iowa Park Road and Central Freeway. QT officials would then redevelop the area and build a QuikTrip Convenience Store. Read more…… MORE
Midwestern State University is moving forward with the invitation to join the Texas Tech system. The Board of Regents is moving to let President Suzanne Shipley enter into a memorandum of understanding with TTU. More details will be presented to the Board on August 6. More information about MSU joining the TTU system can be…… MORE
Hotter’N Hell Hundred officials have modified their 2020 HHH weekend activities for August 27 through 30 in Wichita Falls due to COVID-19. HHH will instead be hosted virtually, where participants can safely ride or run their HHH events in their hometowns. Race officials will be mailing each virtual cyclists and runner their 2020 HHH ride…… MORE
A temporary COVID-19 testing site will be open to the public Sunday at Electra Memorial Hospital. Testing is free and will be done by appointment only. Click here to find out how to register. … MORE
The US Military is not immune to the challenges the pandemic has brought, so military recruiters are relying heavily on online communication. The Army Recruiting Center said though their doors closed recruitment continues. This pandemic has offered a new set of battles for these soldiers, but they still managed to attract and retain recruits and…… MORE
This weekend would have been the opening weekend for Castaway Cove in Wichita Falls but those plans have been put on hold due to COVID-19. At the water park, employees are making sure things will be ready when they’re allowed to open their doors. More details about Castaway Cove’s opening day preparations can be found…… MORE
The Wichita Falls Police Department began National Police Week Monday with their annual Memorial Ceremony. Each year they remember the seven Wichita Falls officers who have died in the line of duty in the force’s 130 year history. Read more National Police Week here.… MORE