City officials have confirmed three new Wichita County coronavirus cases during the city council meeting on Friday. This brings the total number of cases in Wichita County up to 15. More information can be found here.… MORE

City officials have confirmed three new Wichita County coronavirus cases during the city council meeting on Friday. This brings the total number of cases in Wichita County up to 15. More information can be found here.… MORE
As the spread of the Coronavirus continues, shelters that many rely on are continuing to provide. “We’ve had to change some protocol to limit contact, we are not gathering for feeding, we are doing take out boxes at lunch time every day,” Sgt. Toby Romack with the Salvation Army said. Read more here about how…… MORE
A Clay County distillery is helping first responders by making sanitizer and made its first delivery on Thursday. “There’s a shortage everywhere even for us and our suppliers,” WFPD Chief Manuel Borrego said. Read more about the generous donation here.… MORE
Hospice of Wichita Falls is asking the community to help them out by sewing cotton face masks for workers. “Face masks are absolutely integral in this battle and unfortunately we have so many providers, nurses, physicians who are struggling to find the appropriate supplies,” explained Dr. Arif Mahmood, the associate medical director for Hospice of…… MORE
The 11th and 12th cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Wichita County by the Wichita Falls-Wichita County Public Health District on Thursday. For more information about COVID-19 cases in Wichita County, click here. To read the press release containing information about cases 11 and 12, click here. … MORE
Across the country, international college students are being sent home or left to figure out what to do with classes switching to online. Midwestern State University is working to make sure their international students have what they need. Not only is housing and dining still open for these Midwestern State students but the community has…… MORE
The Archer County News has reported an Archer County Sheriff’s Department reserve deputy has tested positive for Covid-19 Coronavirus. More details about Covid-19 in Archer County can be found here.… MORE
The Nocona News has reported the first positive coronavirus case in Montague County. The report says Montague County Health Officer Dr. Delbert McCaig reported a Nocona man tested positive in Wichita Falls for coronavirus. More information about Covid-19 in Montague County can be found here.… MORE
Even though school is closed, Wichita Falls ISD buses still have a job to do. “It’s great for us to get back into the community., say hi, and give them a meal, something to snack on,” said Brian Gibson, the general manager for Durham School Services. Click here to read how the school district is…… MORE
Whenever disasters are declared, people looking to make an extra buck see an opportunity. “If you see something that seems unusual that you know last week when you bought that it was two dollars and now it was three then we all might look into why that changed,” Woody Gossom, Wichita County Judge said. The…… MORE