Category Archives: Local News

Lawton Mayor Issues State Of Emergency

Lawton Mayor Issues State Of Emergency

Lawton Mayor Stan Booker has declared a state of emergency for Lawton. Monday night at a special meeting the Lawton City Council voted to provide support to the mayor to do so. Find out what the State of Emergency means for Lawton residents by clicking here.MORE

Wichita County Makes Declaration Of Disaster In Response To COVID-19

Wichita County Makes Declaration Of Disaster In Response To COVID-19

Wichita County Judge Woody Gossom gathered department heads into the 30th district courtroom to get a better idea of what day-to-day operations would look like for the county. This comes after he issued a declaration of disaster for Wichita County. Judge Gossom explained he issued the declaration in case he needs to suspend or take…MORE

WF Department Of Public Works Confirms Tap Water Is Safe To Drink

WF Department Of Public Works Confirms Tap Water Is Safe To Drink

With the coronavirus continuing to spread, the question rises if citizens should be concerned about water supply disruption. Wichita Falls Utilities Operations Manager Daniel Nix says that there is no evidence to suggest that we’re at risk of not having enough drinking water supplies. Read more about the city’s water supply here.MORE

Texoma Schools On Extended Spring Break

Texoma Schools On Extended Spring Break

Many Texoma school districts have closed for an extended Spring Break, giving staff time to thoroughly disinfect facilities. Click here to learn about your school district’s Spring Break plans.MORE

Burkburnett Approves Final Version Of Downtown Master Plan

Burkburnett Approves Final Version Of Downtown Master Plan

In the hopes of breathing a breath of fresh air into the city, Burkburnett city commissioners approved their final downtown master plan Monday night. City officials will now move forward with their plan that’s been in the works for months with the hope that it helps grow the city’s economy and support the growth of…MORE

COVID-19 Cancellations Hurt Wichita Falls Businesses

COVID-19 Cancellations Hurt Wichita Falls Businesses

Businesses across Wichita Falls are feeling the impact of the Coronavirus, especially after the cancellation of the St. Patrick’s Day Festival. Organizers say the cancellation was done in the best interest of our community. Each year it brings in thousands of dollars to the city and now it leaves many wondering what to do next.…MORE

Lake Wichita Veterans Plaza Planning Moves Forward

Lake Wichita Veterans Plaza Planning Moves Forward

The veteran’s plaza project at Lake Wichita has some new designs and supporters are hoping to quickly get the first phase underway. “We’re hoping to really start the fundraising efforts when the boardwalk is complete in May,” David Coleman, Lake Wichita revitalization committee chairman, said. Read more about Veteran’s Plaza here.MORE

Wichita County, City Of Electra Sign Interlocal Agreement

Wichita County, City Of Electra Sign Interlocal Agreement

Wichita County and the City of Electra signed an agreement allowing them to share equipment and manpower to complete projects throughout the city moving forward. “What this does is give the citizens of Electra an opportunity to get help from the county with the streets and the drainage,” said Electra city administrator Steve Bowlin. Read…MORE

March Madness: NCAA Tournaments Canceled Due To Coronavirus

March Madness: NCAA Tournaments Canceled Due To Coronavirus

The NCAA has canceled the men’s and women’s Division I basketball tournaments amid fears of causing the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, it announced Thursday. The move puts an abrupt end to the season less than a month before champions were to be crowned. Read the complete story here.MORE